Hi! This is AGENT, calling from the employee awareness association, who can I speak with as regards the health and wellness of the employees at your facility in [CITY NAME]?
(wait to be transfered, if not on seat try to find out when call back or possibly get the concerned administrator’s phone number + always the name)
Hello, AGENT here from the EAA. How your doing today? (take a brief break while he/she replies to that) Great. I’ll be brief….. We provide health events for companies all over the world. It’s always free and we also cater a free lunch. We’ve given presentations at more than 25,000 companies and now we’d like to do it at your place. We have a great doctor in your area who would be happy to give a short session during your lunch break. It’s really fun! Do you agree to have our event team call you to discuss scheduling and details?

When is the best time to call you? (write into the notes)